On Sun, Feb 25, 2018 at 05:08:34PM -0600, Jim Brain wrote: > On 2/25/2018 4:09 PM, Segher Boessenkool wrote: > > > >After the rising edge of Phi2 you still have Tmds (the setup time), > >something like 75ns on a 2MHz part, before the data bus is stable. > > > >You're supposed to read the data bus at the *falling* edge of Phi2 (and > >you have at least 30ns there; Thw, the hold time). > I understand what I am supposed to do, but the 1650 is showing me > otherwise. Maybe the HP1650 is too old and takes more than 30nS to > sample the pins on a falling edge. I have a 34 channel USB LA here, and > I can see about hooking it up. > > If I sample at falling edge on the 6509, I *also* see the $96 on the > databus at step 24 (sta $96), when it should be $06 on the bus Ah, I missed that, sorry for the noise. > If I switch to rising edge, I see $06 (and the later $91/$b1 stuff) > > No matter where I sample on the 6502, I get $96 at that point on the > databus. The data lines are directly connected from the 6502 to the > 6509 socket, so the CPLD is not involved. In fact, at this point, the > CPLD is not doing anything. Segher Message was sent through the cbm-hackers mailing listReceived on 2018-02-26 01:02:07
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