Re: Discussion: The need of a 65xx HAL

Date: Sun, 04 Sep 2022 11:37:43 +0000
Message-ID: <>
4 de septiembre de 2022 10:01, "smf" <> escribió:

> So a soft core CPU that is generated to run a specific program?
> I can't see any use for that at all. Every time you write a new program,
> you'd have to create a new bitstream to run it.

In the world of FPGAs, I think this can be feasable. Instead of having CPU boards, having FPGA boards would allow to implement this way of using hardware.

> On 03/09/2022 21:24, wrote:
>> So what I'm talking about is if would it be of any help the creation of a 65xx HAL that would
>> implement a kind of "high level" language where there would be:
>> - A, B, C... Z registers
>> - Unlimited memory addressing including virtual memory
>> - Unlimited opcodes, including compatible with every known 65xx variant in existence
>> What would be this useful for?
>> Via the use of an simulator/emulator, the programmer would code and debug what needed and once
>> done, via a compiler it would translate to VHDL code that would create the exact CPU or MPU needed
>> for the needed application.
>> What do you think?
Received on 2022-09-04 14:03:19

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