RE: RE: Old PET/CBM documentation
Date: 2007-01-05 11:47:25

Hallo André,

> But at least the tech docs (manuals etc) if possible

No problem. But where can I upload the stuff? And I would appreciate it if takers would accept the non English material as well. 

> Ah, just found that (in German: )

They demand that you OCR the scan to text and that goes a bit to far IMHO, that is, for the moment.

> Ruud, you should have a look at that concerning the publishing rights.

The only thing they mention:
'Die 64'er bzw. WEKA haben freundlicherweise in eine Online-Aufbereitung eingewilligt, insofern ist das Projekt absolut legal.' 
and I have no idea what they mean by that. 

We Dutch are allowed to make copies of things, regardless in what form. But if you sell or give away the material, you have to get rid of the copies as well. I gave all my material to with the remark that it remains my property and that they only can lend it. But Dirk Klettke found out that if you lend something in Germany, you are allowed to make copies as well and can keep the copies after you have given back the original. I like that :) So just tell me when you want to lend the stuff.

For the other non-German members, we can work something out, just drop me a private email.

    / __|__
   / /  |_/     Groetjes, Ruud
   \ \__|_\
    \___|       URL:

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